Have you ever feared that if someone was to stop and look more closely at you or your work, they’d think you didn’t know what you were talking about? If so, you’re not alone. Like others, you, my friend, have experienced Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome is a recognised psychological pattern of self-doubt, internalized fear, and a feeling of inadequacy most commonly experienced by high-achieving individuals and perfectionists. To put it simply, Imposter Syndrome is the feeling of being a fraud.



Although anyone in any field can become prey to the limiting beliefs of Imposter Syndrome, healthcare practitioners and coaches who want to finally write that book and become an author are definitely prone to feeling its effects. In my Get Published workshops, practitioners always ask me:
“What will people in the industry say?” “Who am I to write a book?”  “Other people are more skilled or have been doing this longer than me…” Or “What will my friends and family think?”. The inner doubtful dialogue goes on and on in the same theme.

For coaches and practitioners who dream of writing that book, or becoming a best-seller, or any entrepreneur for that matter, Imposter Syndrome can trigger the belief that they lack the skills and talent to compete with others in their field. Often, they cannot accept or acknowledge the concrete evidence of their success and the unique way they help others, not from modesty, but a complete lack of confidence and self-belief!

When deciding to write that book and become an author, these practitioners and coaches on all parts of the spectrum are susceptible to the effects of Imposter Syndrome, but the condition is more prominent in first-time, unpublished, and self-published authors. Without the validation of a traditional publishing team to back them up, independent ‘want to be’ or upcoming authors can often feel that their work is subpar or undeserving of the potential acknowledgment and success that it may receive – which, of course, is totally untrue!

Everyone has a unique twist on the way they help others through their therapeutic work and coaching. Often it takes a third party to see the key to your unique message; to see what you’re not able to see yet.



Imposter Syndrome can rear its ugly head in any number of ways. Signs to look out for include (but are not limited to):

  • Believing that any success you have is attributed to luck and not your own skills and talents.
  • Constantly second-guessing or criticizing yourself and your work – the feeling that nothing is ever good enough.
  • Waiting (often dreading) being ‘found out’ for the huge fraud you believe yourself to be.
  • Judging yourself against others and coming up short in your own head.
  • Procrastination – doing anything but writing.



Acknowledge the Signs

Often, when we shed light on an issue, we can see it for what it truly is and realize that it’s not quite as scary as our minds had led us to believe.

Acknowledging your feelings can help you take the first step to overcome them.



Do you ever look back on some of your previous work and cringe? Me too! Instead of feeling embarrassed, use this opportunity to see and appreciate how far you have come and what you can learn and do differently now that you know more!

You probably hear yourself say what I’m about to say, to your own clients and patients, but it’s harder to see it when it’s our own stuff, isn’t it?

Reflecting on the journey can provide us with some much-needed encouragement, especially when faced with feelings of doubt and uncertainty. Remember how hard you have worked and that none of your success was simply down to luck or chance!


Give it Time

There’s no avoiding the fact that great things take time. When you’re doing all of this on your own and still trying to run your practice, you won’t create your masterpiece in one day; you might not even create it in one year, but that’s no reason to stop trying!

Acknowledge the feelings around fear of failure or being ‘found out.’ Prioritise time to use those incredible clearing skills you use with your clients and use them on yourself. If Imposter Syndrome holds you back, it’s time to make a decision about how important getting that book out to the world is.

  • How much do you want to step up and share your message with the world?
  • Is it time to let your dream of being a published author and helping more people come true? And…
  • What are you willing to do about it?

Remember: Every successful practitioner or coach who became an author started exactly where you are now.


Talk About it

Believe it or not, you are not the only person dealing with Imposter Syndrome.  

The feelings associated with it often thrive in isolation, so get out there and start talking to other practitioners and coaches – chances are they feel the same! I know I certainly did when I published my first book. In fact, whenever I decide to write a new book, the old self-talk programming pops into my head.

Every practitioner I publish goes through the same thing. The only difference is, we have decided to keep moving forward anyway.

Joining a group, like my UNLEASHED Mentoring Program, can help you connect with other like-minded coaches and thought leaders who want to take that step up and start growing their social media profile and email list in preparation for the next stage of their career. Draw comfort and knowledge from shared experiences.

If you are ready to write that book and get yourself out to the world, message me about my next Get Published online 3-Day Retreat! This event is a chance to get that book out of your head, discover how to grow an audience and build the business model around your book with an online course and a sales and marketing funnel.

Have you dealt with Imposter Syndrome? Let us know your experience, I’d love to help! It’s time to stop playing small. To stop being the world’s best kept secret, and step into your potential to help and inspire others.

To Your Potential

Maggie Wilde – The Potentialist

CEO and Editor-in-chief – Mind Potential Publishing


+61 405 138 567